Well, it was quiet hard to discover how to post but i finally succeeded.
My name is Juan Ignacio but everybody calls me Nacho. I'm 16 years old and i've been studying english since i was a child. I assist to Politecnico and i'm doing First Certificate at ARCI as well.
As all of you, i'm really excited about this trip too, and I can't wait to meet you all personally.
Well, that's enough about me.
See you.
Oh, Nacho, is that you? o.O
ReplyDeleteWell, it seems that it takes you a while but you finally encourage yourself :)
Jajaja, i guess so
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Nacho, glad you've found your way!!!!
ReplyDeletenacho you go to Politecnico? i went there and i finished last year!
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, I think I've seen you in the corridors :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Nacho! Nice to meet you
ReplyDeleteHi,Nacho! Welcome to the group!I'd like you to give us more information about yourself